call to court: A4V - traffic fines - "need routing/checking act #" - STRAWMEN.... HAVE NO BRAIN!
it went on and on i had to edit it out...
thanks for all the email and phone calls im sure everyone has my cell so its easier to jus call and leave me a message.
this isn't really for anything other then my own paper trail and proof, instead of keeping a journal of events im jus using youngstersgv channel to keep a record of all this shit, if you seen all my shit you know, its prolly not a great idea to belive me or try anything you see my attempting. im jus a test dummy testing everyone eles shit in my own way im not involved in any sovereign groups and im not intrested in joining any. i got a gang of trolls attacking me on the last one and banned from glp so whatever i cant even update my own thread..
anyways my point is this homie caled me up and told me he used the acount number on the back of his social security card as a routing number and the ss# without dashes as the account number on a online payment forum and entered the number wrong and online forum said failed... tried again with correct info and payment was processed but came back unpaid.
this is trouble do not use online forums to enter your account info, you have to sign the document... in negotable insturments your signature is proof of acceptance you dont need the term accepted for value your sign is acceptance...
by the way keep it in the present "accept for value" not 'accepted for value'
listen to 15:45 he tells me my remedy... call the irs and tell them you have proof of a debt being owed and ask them to discharge it'...
so this guy is right about the account info on the social security card but you cant do ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER some guy got 18 years for doing some shit like this on closed account... you better really be spc and secured party creditor and have all your ucc1 and shit in place if your gonna do all this rediculas shit
ONLY FOR DISCHARGE OF DEBT, your signature is proof of a man or woman's acceptance... corporations.... legal entities.... STRAWMAN.... HAVE NO BRAIN, THEY CANT SIGN SHIT... THEY ARE A FICTION... I AM A MAN
Bank Identification Code/Routing Code: Bank Address (include Country): Bank Telephone Number (including country code): iii) Cheque - Payee: Currency: Address to which Royal & SunAlliance and/or Aetna Global Benefits, ...
RBS Group Flagship Event - Business and Commercial Banking
RBS Group Flagship Event - Business and Commercial Banking
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