International Students
NatWest: Step Account 16 None No Yes £5 6 £5 6 Solo Undischarged bankrupt, refused three times. You should refer to the bank’s terms and conditions for full information. Once you have paid in a cheque, the clearing process will take six working days as follows: ... Read Full Source
Often clients had personal debts and needed help clearing these and therefore may only want businesses and community enterprises with clear social and environmental objectives NatWest Community Finance Fund – South West thereby engaging in different activities at different times. ... Doc Viewer
L'art D'entreprendre
Un article du « Sunday Times » sur l'affaire British Airways président de Newchurch & Company et directeur honoraire à la NatWest Bank. Etudes de marché : Lovgren aurait alors facilement pu lui faire un chèque pour lancer le projet. ... Access Full Source
General Investment Conditions
If you are a NatWest customer and you wish to make an Automated Payment to your Account from your account with NatWest you for cut off times and further details. LM1204 Phase 1 could take longer depending on the clearing bank. (b) the cheque should be made payable to Leeds Building ...
Leeds Building Capacity Project animated roadmap
In this section: What? How to? How much? (click on "Show more" below for full info).
This is an animated roadmap for the JISC-funded University of Leeds Building Capacity Project (
The roadmap demonstrates a learning journey related to one of the University's strategic priorities: improving the quality of the feedback we provide to our students.
The response from the JISC Building Capacity Programme Manager, Lawrie Phipps was: "This is the kind of unanticipated high quality output that helps me enjoy my role as programme manager, it goes beyond what the team said they would deliver and is adds value to what is already a very good project." (June, 2011).
What was the purpose?
The JISC-funded Leeds Building Capacity Project (LBC) [July 2010 - July 2011] draws on outputs from external JISC projects to address Leeds strategic priorities and produce related toolkits; capturing the learning for Leeds for internal use and also external dissemination. One of these priorities is providing effective feedback to students so our focus was how we might communicate our approach to the 'take-up' of JISC outputs to different audiences.
For more information on the LBC project see:
What was our aim?
The production of a toolkit related to effective feedback intended to demonstrate the process by which academics and support staff synthesised the learning from selected JISC feedback projects deemed to be of value; to then implement within the Leeds context.
The idea to produce an animated or video-scribed toolkit was to use technologies to illustrate this 'Leeds learning' in a less than ordinary way; using the concept of a roadmap or learning journey as a starting point. The outcome is the 15 minute video you see above. Below is how it was designed and produced
What did we do?
1. We chose a method influenced by RSAnimate video-scribed presentations; for example:
2. We contacted the Faculty of Performance, Visual Arts and Communications (PVAC) at Leeds to advertise a 'Leeds for Life' (1) work-based opportunity for a post-graduate student
3. Vanessa Walker; Programme Manager MSc Design responded with the name of a talented post-graduate artist, Misung An ( who might be interested in an animation project.
4. All four of us met to agree the details of the project design brief
5. A script was written and feedback invited from colleagues on its accuracy and capacity to generate ideas for animation
6. Dragos Ciobanu, SDDU Academic Staff Development Officer ( experimented with a proof of concept with time lapse video and normal video
7. We began to map the script to some images or visual scenes as a starting point to a storyboard and then asked Misung for her ideas too
8. The narrated script was adjusted slightly, divided up into discrete scenes for the storyboard design and recorded scene by scene using a Samson C01 microphone connected to a laptop. In terms of sound recording and editing software, we worked with Adobe Soundbooth. A free sound recording alternative application is Audacity.
9. Misung used the narration to create the proofs for the storyboard and we met again to agree the final changes
10. Using a pencil, Misung transferred the storyboard images onto white foam boards ready for filming
11. We used a specialised stand -- similar to the one you can build yourself using this guide:
12. We sourced an HD video camera and Misung began filming her own live drawing; using felt tip pens over the top of the pencil sketches
13. Dragos then used AfterEffects to synchronise the video and narration; adding in any other titles/writing/zoom in/effects and editing out anything extraneous
14. Following numerous problems with publishing from AfterEffects, we used Adobe Premiere to publish
15. We chose YouTube as the distribution platform because of superior quality and additional functionalities: easy adding of a narration transcript for accessibility;
Approximate production time for this 15 minute video:
• Authoring, amending and narrating script -- 4 hours
• Initial ideas about scenes - 3 hours
• Creation of storyboard: 17 scenes -- 20 hours
• Pencil sketches on foam boards -- 5 hours
• Filming of drawing -- 26 hours
• Synchronising and editing the video -- 20 hours
• Reviewing following feedback -- 7 hours
Total time: 95 hours + creative time (2)
NB: An approximate ratio of 6hrs of production: 1 minute of video time
(2) Some of the above activities can be executed simultaneously if more than one person undertakes this process
Misung An, Dragos Ciobanu, Karen Llewellyn and Vanessa Walker
University of Leeds, June 2011
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At all times maintain sufficient premises to collect any payment and the Company shall not be obliged to make payment by any method other than by cheque, including bulk electronic clearing calculated from day to day at a rate per annum equal to 2% above the base rate of NatWest Bank plc and ... Fetch Doc
Kempshott Conservation Group
Bank NatWest Old Market Square Branch 3 London Street, Basingstoke Their first jobis clearing the grass inthe Embayment, prior to us rotavating and re- Times: Sundays 10 00–13 00; Thursdays 14 00–16 00. Tools, etc. provided, ... View This Document
S premises to collect any payment and the Company shall not be obliged to make payment by any method other than by cheque, including bulk electronic clearing calculated from day to day at a rate per annum equal to 2% above the base rate of NatWest Bank plc at all times, such ... Document Retrieval
Card One Banking Account Terms And Conditions
2.2.2 by cheque payable to you or by cash at NatWest branches only using bank GIRO forms supplied by 2.6 Clearing times for money loaded into your Billing Account is as follows: NatWest Bank or by BACS Free ... Fetch Content
Please note that mentioned cut off times refer to interbank dates and that commercial cut off times might differ if provided by the other bank/Clearing. • For cheque payments, ... Get Document
Specific charges for five areas of exception work were introduced and the main PO clearing/reconciliation charge was reduced. because of changes being made as the NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland continue with their integration, merchant acquiring and local cheque and cash collection. ... View This Document
Académie Internationale De La Pipe
I visited him many times in Vienna together with NatWest Bank Account name: Académie internationale de la pipe Account no: 39346331 Payment by cheque in pounds sterling made out to „Académie internationale de la pipe‟ and sent to ... View This Document
Banking Services To SMEs - The Office Of Fair Trading
Report found the four main clearing groups1 to be charging excessive prices and in respect of NatWest and the Royal Bank of Scotland, for their SME businesses in England and Wales. 2 Banking services to • Cheque deposits and cheque withdrawals ... Return Doc
Wire Transfer - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
CMC Markets implements this policy in partnership with Natwest. also called a Bank Identifier Code (BIC) or SWIFT Code. such EFTS transfers are often called "ACH transfers," because they take place through the Automated Clearing House. ... Read Article
Schedule B To OFT's Particulars Of Claim
Unless your overdraft remains at all times during that month within *If the bank chooses to pay a cheque, pay a cheque you write for no more than the amount shown on the cheque out to follows the Association for Payment Clearing Services Rules of the UK Domestic Cheque Guarantee Card ... View Doc
User:Chinesestudies/uk/listofukorgs - Wikipedia, The Free ...
Association for Payment Clearing Services (Apacs) Association of British Insurers; Association of British Travel Agents Bank of England; Bank of Scotland; Barbican; Barclays {bank} Beatbullying; NatWest; Faslane Naval Base; Network Rail; New Art Gallery; ... Read Article
SMB Secretarial Services Ltd
And almost anywhere in the world with prior arrangement with the NatWest Bank branch where your company will have its account. (or other large UK-based clearing bank if you prefer). You can use your cheque book anywhere for suppliers who will accept your cheque. ... Fetch Doc
POLICY DOCUMENT 3 Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The Trust will at all times contain its borrowing within its prudential borrowing limit Members of the Cheque and Credit Clearing Company Ltd. o Santander UK (Abbey) o Royal Bank of Scotland (A2)* o NatWest (A2)* ... Get Document
Steering Committee On Year 2000 Compliance In The Financial ...
Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited (HKICL) High Cheque Clearing System (CLG) Bank Cheque Reconciliation System. SL NatWest Tower. Times Square. 1 Matheson Street. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong. Tel : (852) 2599-2222. ... Doc Retrieval
MONEY-LAUNDERING - Welcome To Cardiff University
Formerly Midland Bank), and DI Graham Saltmarsh (NCIS); to Ian Wickens (NatWest Bank), Doug Hopton and Bill Morrison (Barclays), and David Trower (Lloyds); to Stephen Bowden (HM The major UK retail clearing banks undertake most of this work, (Financial Times, 18 April 1994), ... Access Full Source
Good times return for Top 60 firms - Liz Fisher A JUL 30. Faster cheque clearing ahead? N DEC 65. FDs don’t bank on IT N AUG 65. Squirrel Ltd v NatWest Bank plc and HM Customs and Excise (Intervenor) [2005] PB SEP 133. ... Fetch This Document
The Royal Bank Of Scotland - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
In 1969, the bank merged with the National Commercial Bank of Scotland to become the largest clearing bank in Scotland. Expansion into England. (although they could still use those of Natwest, Tesco, Morrisons and the Post Office). ... Read Article
Point that all traffic should use the main entrance to the Golf Club at all times and that no entrance, (cheque 513) and £500 M S Gough (514). Due to an accident, clearing up after their animals and that sticks and balls were left on the ground. ... Access Content
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